HDU 6194 string string string (SAM)

网友投稿 595 2022-10-03

HDU 6194 string string string (SAM)

HDU 6194 string string string (SAM)


Uncle Mao is a wonderful ACMER. One day he met an easy problem, but Uncle Mao was so lazy that he left the problem to you. I hope you can give him a solution.Given a string s, we define a substring that happens exactly k times as an important string, and you need to find out how many substrings which are important strings.


The first line contains an integer T (T≤100) implying the number of test cases.For each test case, there are two lines:the first line contains an integer k (k≥1) which is described above;the second line contain a string s (length(s)≤10^5).


For each test case, print the number of the important substrings in a line.

Sample Input


Sample Output



询问字符串 s 中恰好出现 k


和 ​​HDU 4641​​ 一样的思路。

区间减法计算 [至少出现 k 次的结果] 减去 [至少出现 k+1 次的结果] 即为 [恰好出现 k 次的结果]

AC 代码

#include using namespace std;typedef __int64 LL;const int maxn = 2e5 + 10;LL ans;int K;struct SAM{ int next[maxn][26]; int pre[maxn], step[maxn]; int last, id; int num1[maxn], num2[maxn]; void init() { last = id = 0; memset(next[0], -1, sizeof(next[0])); pre[0] = -1; step[0] = 0; } void insert(int c) { int p = last, np = ++id; step[np] = step[p] + 1; memset(next[np], -1, sizeof(next[np])); num1[np] = num2[np] = 0; while (p != -1 && next[p][c] == -1) next[p][c] = np, p = pre[p]; if (p == -1) pre[np] = 0; else { int q = next[p][c]; if (step[q] != step[p] + 1) { int nq = ++id; memcpy(next[nq], next[q], sizeof(next[q])); num1[nq] = num1[q]; num2[nq] = num2[q]; step[nq] = step[p] + 1; pre[nq] = pre[q]; pre[np] = pre[q] = nq; while (p != -1 && next[p][c] == q) next[p][c] = nq, p = pre[p]; } else pre[np] = q; } last = np; /* diy */ bool f1 = false, f2 = false; while (np != -1 && (!f1 || !f2)) { if (!f1 && num1[np] < K) { num1[np]++; if (num1[np] == K) { ans += step[np] - step[pre[np]]; f1 = true; } } if (!f2 && num2[np] < K + 1) { num2[np]++; if (num2[np] == K + 1) { ans -= step[np] - step[pre[np]]; f2 = true; } } np = pre[np]; } /* end diy */ }} sam;char str[maxn];LL get_ans(){ sam.init(); ans = 0; int len = strlen(str); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) sam.insert(str[i] - 'a'); return ans;}template inline void scan_d(T &ret){ char c; ret = 0; while ((c = getchar()) < '0' || c > '9') ; while (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { ret = ret * 10 + (c - '0'), c = getchar(); }}template inline void print_d(T x){ if (x > 9) { print_d(x / 10); } putchar(x % 10 + '0');}int main(){ int T; scan_d(T); while (T--) { scan_d(K); gets(str); print_d(get_ans()); putchar('\n'); } return 0;}

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下一篇:HDU 4641 K-string (SAM)

