1004 Financial Management(数学水题)

网友投稿 1097 2022-10-02

1004 Financial Management(数学水题)

1004  Financial Management(数学水题)

Financial Management

Time Limit: 1000MS


Memory Limit: 10000K

Total Submissions: 172044


Accepted: 64337


Larry graduated this year and finally has a job. He's making a lot of money, but somehow never seems to have enough. Larry has decided that he needs to grab hold of his financial portfolio and solve his financing problems. The first step is to figure out what's been going on with his money. Larry has his bank account statements and wants to see how much money he has. Help Larry by writing a program to take his closing balance from each of the past twelve months and calculate his average account balance.


The input will be twelve lines. Each line will contain the closing balance of his bank account for a particular month. Each number will be positive and displayed to the penny. No dollar sign will be included.


The output will be a single number, the average (mean) of the closing balances for the twelve months. It will be rounded to the nearest penny, preceded immediately by a dollar sign, and followed by the end-of-line. There will be no other spaces or characters in the output.

Sample Input

100.00 489.12 12454.12 1234.10 823.05 109.20 5.27 1542.25 839.18 83.99 1295.01 1.75

Sample Output



​​Mid-Atlantic 2001​​




#includeint main(){ int i; float b,a=0; for(i=0;i<12;i++) { scanf("%f",&b); a+=b; } printf("$%0.2f\n",a/12); return 0;}

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上一篇:用微信小程序实现WebSocket心跳重连(微信小程序 socket)

