TiDB 6.1 新特性解读 | TiDB 6.1 MPP 实现窗口函数框架

网友投稿 813 2022-10-01

TiDB 6.1 新特性解读 | TiDB 6.1 MPP 实现窗口函数框架

TiDB 6.1 新特性解读 | TiDB 6.1 MPP 实现窗口函数框架

作者: ShawnYan ​

​​TiDB v6.1.0 LTS​​ 已于6月13日发版,其中有一项关键特性为“MPP 实现窗口函数框架”。TiDB 中的窗口函数是在 TiDB 3.0 GA 版本引入,基本兼容 MySQL 8.0 所支持的窗口函数。

下面将演示本次发版引入 MPP 所支持的三个窗口函数,并扩展对比其他窗口函数在 TiDB 和 MariaDB 中的执行情况,最后以表格的形式展示几种常见数据库对窗口函数的支持情况。



窗口函数是在 SQL:2003 引入的,并在之后的 SQL 标准中不断增强。Wiki 中对窗口函数的表述为:


注:在 Oracle 数据库中,窗口函数被称为分析函数(Analytic Functions)。


MySQL 8.0 支持的窗口函数

MySQL 8.0 支持 11 种窗口函数,即 ​​RANK() / ROW_NUMBER() / DENSE_RANK() / CUME_DIST() / FIRST_VALUE() / LAST_VALUE() / NTH_VALUE() / LAG() / LEAD() / NTILE() / PERCENT_RANK()​​。

这 11 种窗口函数 TiDB 也均支持。

这里解释一下文章开头提到的“基本兼容 MySQL 8.0 所支持的窗口函数”,是因为 MySQL 8.0.14 支持 JSON 函数 ​​JSON_ARRAYAGG()​​​ 作为窗口函数,而该函数目前 TiDB 尚未支持,具体可参考 ​​#7546​​。

MPP 新增支持的三个窗口函数

书归正题,在 TiDB 6.1 版本中,TiFlash 新增支持 ​​RANK() / ROW_NUMBER() / DENSE_RANK()​​ 三个窗口函数,且仅可用于 MPP 模式。

dbms/src/Flash/Coprocessor/collectOutputFieldTypes.cpp case tipb::ExecType::TypeWindow: // Window will only be pushed down in mpp mode. // In mpp mode, ExchangeSender or Sender will return output_field_types directly. // If not in mpp mode, window executor type is invalid. throw TiFlashException("Window executor type is invalid in non-mpp mode, should not reach here.", Errors::Coprocessor::Internal);




DROP TABLE if EXISTS student;CREATE TABLE if NOT EXISTS student (course VARCHAR(10), mark INT, name VARCHAR(10));INSERT INTO student VALUES('Maths', 60, 'Thulile'),('Maths', 60, 'Pritha'),('Maths', 70, 'Voitto'),('Maths', 55, 'Chun'),('Biology', 60, 'Bilal'),('Biology', 70, 'Roger');





TiDB [test] 21:38:44> SELECT RANK() OVER w AS `rank`, ROW_NUMBER() OVER w AS `row_num`, DENSE_RANK() OVER w AS `dense_rank`, course, mark, name FROM student window w AS (PARTITION BY course ORDER BY mark DESC);+------+---------+------------+---------+------+---------+| rank | row_num | dense_rank | course | mark | name |+------+---------+------------+---------+------+---------+| 1 | 1 | 1 | Biology | 70 | Roger || 2 | 2 | 2 | Biology | 60 | Bilal || 1 | 1 | 1 | Maths | 70 | Voitto || 2 | 2 | 2 | Maths | 60 | Thulile || 2 | 3 | 2 | Maths | 60 | Pritha || 4 | 4 | 3 | Maths | 55 | Chun |+------+---------+------------+---------+------+---------+6 rows in set (0.005 sec)


TiDB [test] 21:38:46> explain SELECT RANK() OVER w AS `rank`, ROW_NUMBER() OVER w AS `row_num`, DENSE_RANK() OVER w AS `dense_rank`, course, mark, name FROM student window w AS (PARTITION BY course ORDER BY mark DESC);+--------------------------------+----------+-----------+---------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+| id | estRows | task | access object | operator info |+--------------------------------+----------+-----------+---------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+| Projection_8 | 10000.00 | root | | Column#9, Column#8, Column#10, test.student.course, test.student.mark, test.student.name || └─Window_9 | 10000.00 | root | | rank()->Column#9, dense_rank()->Column#10 over(partition by test.student.course order by test.student.mark desc) || └─Window_10 | 10000.00 | root | | row_number()->Column#8 over(partition by test.student.course order by test.student.mark desc rows between current row and current row) || └─Sort_14 | 10000.00 | root | | test.student.course, test.student.mark:desc || └─TableReader_13 | 10000.00 | root | | data:TableFullScan_12 || └─TableFullScan_12 | 10000.00 | cop[tikv] | table:student | keep order:false, stats:pseudo |+--------------------------------+----------+-----------+---------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+6 rows in set (0.002 sec)

创建 TiFlash 副本后走 MPP 框架的执行计划

TiDB [test] 21:44:13> explain SELECT RANK() OVER w AS `rank`, ROW_NUMBER() OVER w AS `row_num`, DENSE_RANK() OVER w AS `dense_rank`, course, mark, name FROM student window w AS (PARTITION BY course ORDER BY mark DESC);+--------------------------------------+---------+--------------+---------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+| id | estRows | task | access object | operator info |+--------------------------------------+---------+--------------+---------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+| Projection_8 | 6.00 | root | | Column#9, Column#8, Column#10, test.student.course, test.student.mark, test.student.name || └─TableReader_19 | 6.00 | root | | data:ExchangeSender_18 || └─ExchangeSender_18 | 6.00 | mpp[tiflash] | | ExchangeType: PassThrough || └─Window_9 | 6.00 | mpp[tiflash] | | rank()->Column#9, dense_rank()->Column#10 over(partition by test.student.course order by test.student.mark desc) || └─Window_11 | 6.00 | mpp[tiflash] | | row_number()->Column#8 over(partition by test.student.course order by test.student.mark desc rows between current row and current row) || └─Sort_16 | 6.00 | mpp[tiflash] | | test.student.course, test.student.mark:desc || └─ExchangeReceiver_15 | 6.00 | mpp[tiflash] | | || └─ExchangeSender_14 | 6.00 | mpp[tiflash] | | ExchangeType: HashPartition, Hash Cols: [name: test.student.course, collate: utf8mb4_bin] || └─TableFullScan_13 | 6.00 | mpp[tiflash] | table:student | keep order:false, stats:pseudo |+--------------------------------------+---------+--------------+---------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+9 rows in set (0.002 sec)

从此用例可以看出,正常执行窗口函数时,TiKV 只做表扫,计算压力集中在 TiDB Server,而开启 MPP 后,计算压力可以分摊到 TiFlash 节点,计算完成后,再将结果集返回到 TiDB Server。

MariaDB 10.6 中的执行计划

mysql> select version()\G*************************** 1. row ***************************version(): 10.6.7-MariaDB-log1 row in set (0.00 sec)mysql> explain SELECT RANK() OVER w AS `rank`, ROW_NUMBER() OVER w AS `row_num`, DENSE_RANK() OVER w AS `dense_rank`, course, mark, name FROM student window w AS (PARTITION BY course ORDER BY mark DESC);+------+-------------+---------+------+---------------+------+---------+------+------+-----------------+| id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |+------+-------------+---------+------+---------------+------+---------+------+------+-----------------+| 1 | SIMPLE | student | ALL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 6 | Using temporary |+------+-------------+---------+------+---------------+------+---------+------+------+-----------------+1 row in set (0.00 sec)

MariaDB 对于窗口函数的实现方式是全表扫描并产生临时表(​​Using temporary​​)进行计算,对于分析型业务,这种处理方式会使临时数据落盘,通过临时文件的形式处理数据排序,存在的问题也是明显的,会增加磁盘IO的压力,而且是单点计算,不具备横向扩展性。



CUME_DIST():返回一行数据的累积分布值(Cumulative distribution)。PERCENT_RANK():返回排行百分比值。


TiDB [test] 22:08:29> SELECT CUME_DIST() OVER w AS `cume_dist`, PERCENT_RANK() OVER w AS `pct_rank`, course, mark, name FROM student window w AS (PARTITION BY course ORDER BY mark DESC);+-----------+--------------------+---------+------+---------+| cume_dist | pct_rank | course | mark | name |+-----------+--------------------+---------+------+---------+| 0.5 | 0 | Biology | 70 | Roger || 1 | 1 | Biology | 60 | Bilal || 0.25 | 0 | Maths | 70 | Voitto || 0.75 | 0.3333333333333333 | Maths | 60 | Thulile || 0.75 | 0.3333333333333333 | Maths | 60 | Pritha || 1 | 1 | Maths | 55 | Chun |+-----------+--------------------+---------+------+---------+6 rows in set (0.016 sec)


TiDB [test] 21:57:56> explain SELECT CUME_DIST() OVER w AS `cume_dist`, PERCENT_RANK() OVER w AS `pct_rank`, course, mark, name FROM student window w AS (PARTITION BY course ORDER BY mark DESC);+--------------------------------+---------+--------------+---------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+| id | estRows | task | access object | operator info |+--------------------------------+---------+--------------+---------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+| Projection_6 | 6.00 | root | | Column#7, Column#8, test.student.course, test.student.mark, test.student.name || └─Shuffle_13 | 6.00 | root | | execution info: concurrency:4, data sources:[TableReader_11] || └─Window_7 | 6.00 | root | | cume_dist()->Column#7, percent_rank()->Column#8 over(partition by test.student.course order by test.student.mark desc) || └─Sort_12 | 6.00 | root | | test.student.course, test.student.mark:desc || └─TableReader_11 | 6.00 | root | | data:TableFullScan_10 || └─TableFullScan_10 | 6.00 | cop[tiflash] | table:student | keep order:false, stats:pseudo |+--------------------------------+---------+--------------+---------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+6 rows in set (0.002 sec)





TiDB [test] 22:13:04> SELECT FIRST_VALUE(mark) OVER w AS `first`, LAST_VALUE(mark) OVER w AS `last`, NTH_VALUE(mark, 2) OVER w AS `second`, NTILE(2) over w as 'ntile', course, mark, name FROM student window w AS (PARTITION BY course ORDER BY mark DESC);+-------+------+--------+-------+---------+------+---------+| first | last | second | ntile | course | mark | name |+-------+------+--------+-------+---------+------+---------+| 70 | 70 | NULL | 1 | Biology | 70 | Roger || 70 | 60 | 60 | 2 | Biology | 60 | Bilal || 70 | 70 | NULL | 1 | Maths | 70 | Voitto || 70 | 60 | 60 | 1 | Maths | 60 | Thulile || 70 | 60 | 60 | 2 | Maths | 60 | Pritha || 70 | 55 | 60 | 2 | Maths | 55 | Chun |+-------+------+--------+-------+---------+------+---------+6 rows in set (0.021 sec)


TiDB [test] 22:12:14> explain SELECT FIRST_VALUE(mark) OVER w AS `first`, LAST_VALUE(mark) OVER w AS `last`, NTH_VALUE(mark, 2) OVER w AS `second`, NTILE(2) over w as 'ntile', course, mark, name FROM student window w AS (PARTITION BY course ORDER BY mark DESC);+--------------------------------+---------+--------------+---------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+| id | estRows | task | access object | operator info |+--------------------------------+---------+--------------+---------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+| Projection_8 | 6.00 | root | | Column#10, Column#11, Column#12, Column#9, test.student.course, test.student.mark, test.student.name || └─Window_9 | 6.00 | root | | first_value(test.student.mark)->Column#10, last_value(test.student.mark)->Column#11, nth_value(test.student.mark, 2)->Column#12 over(partition by test.student.course order by test.student.mark desc range between unbounded preceding and current row) || └─Window_10 | 6.00 | root | | ntile(2)->Column#9 over(partition by test.student.course order by test.student.mark desc) || └─Sort_16 | 6.00 | root | | test.student.course, test.student.mark:desc || └─TableReader_15 | 6.00 | root | | data:TableFullScan_14 || └─TableFullScan_14 | 6.00 | cop[tiflash] | table:student | keep order:false, stats:pseudo |+--------------------------------+---------+--------------+---------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+6 rows in set (0.001 sec)

LAG() / LEAD()




TiDB [test] 22:16:14> SELECT LAG(mark) OVER w AS `lag`, LEAD(mark) OVER w AS `lead`, course, mark, name FROM student window w AS (PARTITION BY course ORDER BY mark DESC);+------+------+---------+------+---------+| lag | lead | course | mark | name |+------+------+---------+------+---------+| NULL | 60 | Biology | 70 | Roger || 70 | NULL | Biology | 60 | Bilal || NULL | 60 | Maths | 70 | Voitto || 70 | 60 | Maths | 60 | Thulile || 60 | 55 | Maths | 60 | Pritha || 60 | NULL | Maths | 55 | Chun |+------+------+---------+------+---------+6 rows in set (0.020 sec)


TiDB [test] 22:13:25> explain SELECT LAG(mark) OVER w AS `lag`, LEAD(mark) OVER w AS `lead`, course, mark, name FROM student window w AS (PARTITION BY course ORDER BY mark DESC);+--------------------------------+---------+--------------+---------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+| id | estRows | task | access object | operator info |+--------------------------------+---------+--------------+---------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+| Projection_6 | 6.00 | root | | Column#7, Column#8, test.student.course, test.student.mark, test.student.name || └─Shuffle_13 | 6.00 | root | | execution info: concurrency:4, data sources:[TableReader_11] || └─Window_7 | 6.00 | root | | lag(test.student.mark)->Column#7, lead(test.student.mark)->Column#8 over(partition by test.student.course order by test.student.mark desc) || └─Sort_12 | 6.00 | root | | test.student.course, test.student.mark:desc || └─TableReader_11 | 6.00 | root | | data:TableFullScan_10 || └─TableFullScan_10 | 6.00 | cop[tiflash] | table:student | keep order:false, stats:pseudo |+--------------------------------+---------+--------------+---------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+6 rows in set (0.003 sec)


通过对几款常用数据库的调研比对,均支持常见的 11 种窗口函数。其中,在 openGauss 中,列存表目前只支持 ​​rank()​​​ 和 ​​row_number()​​​ 两个函数。另外,MariaDB 额外支持三种窗口函数,分别是 ​​MEDIAN() / PERCENTILE_CONT() / PERCENTILE_DISC()​​。

| # | 窗口函数 | TiDB(>3.0) | TiDB MPP(>6.1) | MySQL(>8.0) | MariaDB(>10.2) | openGauss | OceanBase | | -- | ---------------- | ---------- | -------------- | ----------- | -------------- | --------- | --------- | | 1 | RANK() | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y(列存表) | Y | | 2 | ROW_NUMBER() | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y(列存表) | Y | | 3 | DENSE_RANK() | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | | 4 | CUME_DIST() | Y | cannot | Y | Y | Y | Y | | 5 | PERCENT_RANK() | Y | cannot | Y | Y | Y | Y | | 6 | FIRST_VALUE() | Y | cannot | Y | Y | Y | Y | | 7 | LAST_VALUE() | Y | cannot | Y | Y | Y | Y | | 8 | NTH_VALUE() | Y | cannot | Y | Y | Y | Y | | 9 | NTILE() | Y | cannot | Y | Y | Y | Y | | 10 | LAG() | Y | cannot | Y | Y | Y | Y | | 11 | LEAD() | Y | cannot | Y | Y | Y | Y | | 12 | MEDIAN | cannot | cannot | cannot | Y(10.3.3) | cannot | cannot | | 13 | PERCENTILE_CONT | cannot | cannot | cannot | Y(10.3.3) | cannot | cannot | | 14 | PERCENTILE_DISC | cannot | cannot | cannot | Y(10.3.3) | cannot | cannot |


通过将窗口函数下推到 MPP 计算框架,减轻 TiDB Server 的单点计算压力,将计算压力分摊到各个 TiFlash 节点,从而支持并行计算,提升查询性能。对于 OLAP 业务,建议考虑将普通查询改写为窗口函数,以提升查询效率。对于 TiDB v4.0 之前的老版本升级到新版本的场景,​​tidb_enable_window_function​​​ 参数会默认设为0,需要手动开启。​​#13866​​最后,希望在之后的版本中,MPP 架构可以支持更多的窗口函数。


​​窗口函数​​​​【TiDB 社区版主推荐阅读】SQL 窗口函数速查表​​​​TiDB 3.0:窗口函数初体验​​​​窗口函数的 TiSpark 实现​​

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