Elasticsearch 集群管理工具curator 接口模式使用介绍

网友投稿 689 2022-09-28

Elasticsearch 集群管理工具curator 接口模式使用介绍

Elasticsearch 集群管理工具curator 接口模式使用介绍



curator [--config CONFIG.YML] [--dry-run] ACTION_FILE.YML

--config : 之后跟上配置文件--dry-run :调试参数,测试脚本运行是否正常;ACTION_FILE.YML :action文件中可以包含一连串的action,curator接口集中式的config和action管理,可以方便我们重用变量,更利于维护和阅读。环境初始化也可以至通过 curator [--config CONFIG.YML] 直接指定#### linux 默认查找路径:


环境初始化也可以至通过 curator [--config CONFIG.YML] 直接指定

#### 初始化系统环境

配置 [--config CONFIG.YML]

mkdir -p ~/.curator/vim ~/.curator/curator.yml

---# Remember, leave a key empty if there is no value. None will be a string,# not a Python "NoneType"client: hosts: - 《== 集群节点IP地址,可以写多个 port: 9200 《== datanode 接口 url_prefix: use_ssl: False certificate: client_cert: client_key: ssl_no_validate: False timeout: 30 master_only: Falselogging: loglevel: INFO 《== 日志级别 logfile: 《== 输出日志到文件 logformat: default blacklist: ['elasticsearch', 'urllib3']


loglevel 支持 :CRITICAL will only display critical messages.ERROR will only display error and critical messages.WARNING will display error, warning, and critical messages.INFO will display informational, error, warning, and critical messages.DEBUG will display debug messages, in addition to all of the above.logfile 支持:default, json, logstash 或者留空;blacklist 支持:那些关键字开头索引日志不输出,默认即可。


action每个action由三部分组成: - action,具体执行什么操作 - option, 配置哪些可选项 - filter, 过滤条件,哪些index需要执行action


AliasAllocationCloseCluster RoutingCreate IndexDelete IndicesDelete SnapshotsforceMergeIndex SettingsOpenReindexReplicasRestoreRolloverShrinkSnapshot

option: 选项 ,filter:过滤条件,哪些index需要执行action,详细参考官网;


more delete_indices-eslog-ptlog.ymlactions: 1: action: delete_indices description: >- 删除超过20天的索引(基于索引名称),monitoring-* 前缀索引。如果过滤器没有导致错误,请忽略错误 可操作的索引列表(ignore_empty_list)并彻底退出. options: ignore_empty_list: True disable_action: False filters: - filtertype: pattern kind: regex value: '^(\.monitoring-(es|kibana|logstash)-).*$' - filtertype: age source: name direction: older timestring: '%Y.%m.%d' unit: days unit_count: 20 2: action: delete_indices description: >- 删除超过10天的索引(基于索引名称ptlog) options: ignore_empty_list: True disable_action: False filters: - filtertype: pattern kind: prefix value: ptlog - filtertype: age source: name direction: older timestring: '%Y.%m.%d' unit: days unit_count: 10


将所有每天生成的ptlog-dd-trace-prod-app-gateway-2018.11.文件汇总到 ptlog-dd-trace-prod-app-gateway-2018.11 月日志文件,然后删除 ptlog-dd-trace-prod-app-gateway-2018.11. 的日志文件。


awsesbak-reindex.yml ---actions: 1: description: >- Reindex 11月份每天生成的index数据到 ptlog-$name-2018.11 action: reindex options: disable_action: False wait_interval: 9 max_wait: -1 request_body: source: index: REINDEX_SELECTION dest: index: ptlog-dd-trace-prod-app-gateway-2018.11 filters: - filtertype: pattern kind: prefix value: ptlog-dd-trace-prod-app-gateway-2018.11. 2: action: delete_indices description: >- 删除已经完成合并的索引 options: ignore_empty_list: True disable_action: False filters: - filtertype: pattern kind: prefix value: ptlog-dd-trace-prod-app-gateway-2018.11.

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