easy dragging script

网友投稿 844 2022-09-18

easy dragging script

easy dragging script

下面的ahk脚本提供了windows下alt dragging的能力:     ; Easy Window Dragging -- KDE style (requires XP/2k/NT) -- by Jonny; This script makes it much easier to move or resize a window: 1) Hold down; the ALT key and LEFT-click anywhere inside a window to drag it to a new; location; 2) Hold down ALT and RIGHT-click-drag anywhere inside a window; to easily resize it; 3) Press ALT twice, but before releasing it the second; time, left-click to minimize the window under the mouse cursor, right-click; to maximize it, or middle-click to close it. ; This script was inspired by and built on many like it; in the forum. Thanks go out to ck, thinkstorm, Chris,; and aurelian for a job well done. ; Change history:; November 07, 2006: Optimized resizing code in !RButton, courtesy of bluedawn.; February 05, 2006: Fixed double-alt (the ~Alt hotkey) to work with latest versions of AHK. ; The Double-Alt modifier is activated by pressing; Alt twice, much like a double-click. Hold the second; press down until you click.;; The shortcuts:; Alt + Left Button : Drag to move a window.; Alt + Right Button : Drag to resize a window.; Double-Alt + Left Button : Minimize a window.; Double-Alt + Right Button : Maximize/Restore a window.; Double-Alt + Middle Button : Close a window.;; You can optionally release Alt after the first; click rather than holding it down the whole time. If (A_AhkVersion < ""){MsgBox,20,,This script may not work properly with your version of AutoHotkey. Continue?IfMsgBox,NoExitApp} ; This is the setting that runs smoothest on my; system. Depending on your video card and cpu; power, you may want to raise or lower this value.SetWinDelay,2 CoordMode,Mousereturn !LButton::If DoubleAlt{MouseGetPos,,,KDE_id; This message is mostly equivalent to WinMinimize,; but it avoids a bug with PSPad.PostMessage,0x112,0xf020,,,ahk_id %KDE_id%DoubleAlt := falsereturn}; Get the initial mouse position and window id, and; abort if the window is maximized.MouseGetPos,KDE_X1,KDE_Y1,KDE_idWinGet,KDE_Win,MinMax,ahk_id %KDE_id%If KDE_Winreturn; Get the initial window position.WinGetPos,KDE_WinX1,KDE_WinY1,,,ahk_id %KDE_id%Loop{GetKeyState,KDE_Button,LButton,P ; Break if button has been released.If KDE_Button = UbreakMouseGetPos,KDE_X2,KDE_Y2 ; Get the current mouse position.KDE_X2 -= KDE_X1 ; Obtain an offset from the initial mouse position.KDE_Y2 -= KDE_Y1KDE_WinX2 := (KDE_WinX1 + KDE_X2) ; Apply this offset to the window position.KDE_WinY2 := (KDE_WinY1 + KDE_Y2)WinMove,ahk_id %KDE_id%,,%KDE_WinX2%,%KDE_WinY2% ; Move the window to the new position.}return !RButton::If DoubleAlt{MouseGetPos,,,KDE_id; Toggle between maximized and restored state.WinGet,KDE_Win,MinMax,ahk_id %KDE_id%If KDE_WinWinRestore,ahk_id %KDE_id%ElseWinMaximize,ahk_id %KDE_id%DoubleAlt := falsereturn}; Get the initial mouse position and window id, and; abort if the window is maximized.MouseGetPos,KDE_X1,KDE_Y1,KDE_idWinGet,KDE_Win,MinMax,ahk_id %KDE_id%If KDE_Winreturn; Get the initial window position and size.WinGetPos,KDE_WinX1,KDE_WinY1,KDE_WinW,KDE_WinH,ahk_id %KDE_id%; Define the window region the mouse is currently in.; The four regions are Up and Left, Up and Right, Down and Left, Down and Right.If (KDE_X1 < KDE_WinX1 + KDE_WinW / 2)KDE_WinLeft := 1ElseKDE_WinLeft := -1If (KDE_Y1 < KDE_WinY1 + KDE_WinH / 2)KDE_WinUp := 1ElseKDE_WinUp := -1Loop{GetKeyState,KDE_Button,RButton,P ; Break if button has been released.If KDE_Button = UbreakMouseGetPos,KDE_X2,KDE_Y2 ; Get the current mouse position.; Get the current window position and size.WinGetPos,KDE_WinX1,KDE_WinY1,KDE_WinW,KDE_WinH,ahk_id %KDE_id%KDE_X2 -= KDE_X1 ; Obtain an offset from the initial mouse position.KDE_Y2 -= KDE_Y1; Then, act according to the defined region.WinMove,ahk_id %KDE_id%,, KDE_WinX1 + (KDE_WinLeft+1)/2*KDE_X2 ; X of resized window, KDE_WinY1 + (KDE_WinUp+1)/2*KDE_Y2 ; Y of resized window, KDE_WinW - KDE_WinLeft *KDE_X2 ; W of resized window, KDE_WinH - KDE_WinUp *KDE_Y2 ; H of resized windowKDE_X1 := (KDE_X2 + KDE_X1) ; Reset the initial position for the next iteration.KDE_Y1 := (KDE_Y2 + KDE_Y1)}return ; "Alt + MButton" may be simpler, but I; like an extra measure of security for; an operation like this.!MButton::If DoubleAlt{MouseGetPos,,,KDE_idWinClose,ahk_id %KDE_id%DoubleAlt := falsereturn}return ; This detects "double-clicks" of the alt key.~Alt::DoubleAlt := A_PriorHotkey = "~Alt" AND A_TimeSincePriorHotkey < 400Sleep 0KeyWait Alt ; This prevents the keyboard's auto-repeat feature from interfering.return     ============================================ 我最终修改并使用的:   增加了中间键resize的功能,使用LControl替代Alt键:     If (A_AhkVersion < "") { MsgBox,20,,This script may not work properly with your version of AutoHotkey. Continue? IfMsgBox,No ExitApp } ; This is the setting that runs smoothest on my ; system. Depending on your video card and cpu ; power, you may want to raise or lower this value. SetWinDelay,2 CoordMode,Mouse return ; MOVE WINDOW ~^LButton:: ; Get the initial mouse position and window id, and ; abort if the window is maximized. MouseGetPos,KDE_X1,KDE_Y1,KDE_id WinGet,KDE_Win,MinMax,ahk_id %KDE_id% If KDE_Win return ; Get the initial window position. WinGetPos,KDE_WinX1,KDE_WinY1,,,ahk_id %KDE_id% Loop { GetKeyState,KDE_Button,LButton,P ; Break if button has been released. If KDE_Button = U break MouseGetPos,KDE_X2,KDE_Y2 ; Get the current mouse position. KDE_X2 -= KDE_X1 ; Obtain an offset from the initial mouse position. KDE_Y2 -= KDE_Y1 KDE_WinX2 := (KDE_WinX1 + KDE_X2) ; Apply this offset to the window position. KDE_WinY2 := (KDE_WinY1 + KDE_Y2) WinMove,ahk_id %KDE_id%,,%KDE_WinX2%,%KDE_WinY2% ; Move the window to the new position. } return ; RESIZE WINDOW ~^RButton:: ; Get the initial mouse position and window id, and ; abort if the window is maximized. MouseGetPos,KDE_X1,KDE_Y1,KDE_id WinGet,KDE_Win,MinMax,ahk_id %KDE_id% If KDE_Win return ; Get the initial window position and size. WinGetPos,KDE_WinX1,KDE_WinY1,KDE_WinW,KDE_WinH,ahk_id %KDE_id% ; Define the window region the mouse is currently in. ; The four regions are Up and Left, Up and Right, Down and Left, Down and Right. If (KDE_X1 < KDE_WinX1 + KDE_WinW / 2) KDE_WinLeft := 1 Else KDE_WinLeft := -1 If (KDE_Y1 < KDE_WinY1 + KDE_WinH / 2) KDE_WinUp := 1 Else KDE_WinUp := -1 Loop { GetKeyState,KDE_Button,RButton,P ; Break if button has been released. If KDE_Button = U break MouseGetPos,KDE_X2,KDE_Y2 ; Get the current mouse position. ; Get the current window position and size. WinGetPos,KDE_WinX1,KDE_WinY1,KDE_WinW,KDE_WinH,ahk_id %KDE_id% KDE_X2 -= KDE_X1 ; Obtain an offset from the initial mouse position. KDE_Y2 -= KDE_Y1 ; Then, act according to the defined region. WinMove,ahk_id %KDE_id%,, KDE_WinX1 + (KDE_WinLeft+1)/2*KDE_X2 ; X of resized window , KDE_WinY1 + (KDE_WinUp+1)/2*KDE_Y2 ; Y of resized window , KDE_WinW - KDE_WinLeft *KDE_X2 ; W of resized window , KDE_WinH - KDE_WinUp *KDE_Y2 ; H of resized window KDE_X1 := (KDE_X2 + KDE_X1) ; Reset the initial position for the next iteration. KDE_Y1 := (KDE_Y2 + KDE_Y1) } return ; NO ~ PREFIX MEANS DISABLE NATIVE EVENT (DISABLE MButton EVENT) ; MAX/MIN WINDOW MButton:: MouseGetPos,,,KDE_id ; Toggle between maximized and restored state. WinGet,KDE_Win,MinMax,ahk_id %KDE_id% If KDE_Win WinRestore,ahk_id %KDE_id% Else WinMaximize,ahk_id %KDE_id% DoubleMButton := false return return ; CTRL + MButton TO MINIMIZE WINDOW ~^MButton:: MouseGetPos,,,KDE_id ; This message is mostly equivalent to WinMinimize, ; but it avoids a bug with PSPad. PostMessage,0x112,0xf020,,,ahk_id %KDE_id% return

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